January 23, 2013

Factory Seconds Men

When I was little we shopped at discount stores selling factory second clothing.  Often there would be nothing visibly wrong, maybe the sizing was off or the color was unpopular.  You had to check, though, to make sure there wasn't a giant slub down the front or one sleeve twice as long as the other.  What was missing was desirability.

Dating feels the same way: I've somehow missed out on the first class men and am digging through the seconds trying to find one who will do.  Does he take time to open up and just needs cleaned up?  Or is there a fatal flaw, like the inability to communicate or commit?  And how big a flaw am I willing to overlook?  But most importantly, I'm pretty great so why do no good men show interest?

These thoughts just coalesced after a profile with a very handsome photo crossed my path.  We talked about going out, I was happy to have someone with actual desirable characteristics who was interested in me.  But he turned out to be worse than all the rest; he posted a 10 year old+ photo.  Meanwhile I get to endure dating advice from married friends.  Dante missed this circle of hell when writing Inferno.


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