January 16, 2013

Goals for 2013

I don't make resolutions, largely because I don't find Jan 1st to be a natural transition.  Also, the more I plan the more the plans seem not to happen.  Instead I come up with goals, usually things I've been working on already, and prod myself to continue.  Like patience: I've been trying to be a more patient person for as long as I can remember and it seems to finally be working.

1) Cook more from scratch.  With higher pain, arthritis in my hands, cooking only for myself, and hot weather this summer I'd almost stopped cooking.  I'm trying to cook most of my meals, enough at once to have several days' leftovers, and much more satisfying and healthy than snacks or ramen.

2) See friends more, even if it's just to invite them to my home.  I had frequent migraines last year and rarely got out.  Thankfully I was able to see friends over the holidays and reconnect.  Now to keep the connection now that everyone's back to everyday life, and with my health rollercoastering.

3) Ask for help more.  I have some help.  But it gets lonely being home sick all day, and even running errands with a friend is preferable to doing it alone.

The biggest hinderance to all these is pain.  Having my life ruled by pain, and its energy-sapping brain-numbing tentacles, is indescribably difficult.  There are bright spots and I'm reminded of one every time my lap cat climbs onto my shoulder for a snuggle.  I'm also hoping to feel well enough to write up a couple knitting patterns this year, but that's a pie in the sky hope.


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