April 9, 2013

Chronic Illness and Friends

For those with a chronic illness it's common to wonder "What's wrong with me?"  Or, "Why don't people like me?"  When the reality is that grown adults can't deal with illness as a part of life.  The ill person is blamed and shunned, and the healthy normies go about their lives.  Probably none of this behavior even registers consciously.  And that makes it hurt even more.

I lost a friend today, someone whose friendship I greatly valued.  I don't know why, she just dumped me.  I'd hoped that being a pretty awesome person, and kind and thoughtful, would count for something.  It doesn't, though.  Sometimes it's a crying shame that humans are hard-wired to be social.


  1. I have a sibling who is chronically ill and he has the same issue. Please know that it is really the other person's inability to deal with your situation that makes them uncomfortable and unable to be a good friend. All you can do is keep putting yourself out there if you are physically/mentally able to. Thank goodness for blogs!

    1. Thank you for this. It is hard to remember sometimes. I don't know what I'd do without the internet!

  2. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Also was thinking about this today. About how chronic illness impairs friendships and such. I had some thoughts on why it was but not sure if they make sense. Anyway, I wish I could do something to help. I am sorry I am not on LJ much lately, I have been spending a lot of time writing fiction... please know you can call or text if you ever want to talk or whatnot I will make time for you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nadine, I'm sorry you removed your comment. It's been a difficult month and I hadn't had the brain power to reply to all you had to say. It's always sad to know someone else dealing with chronic pain, and I hope you're doing ok with it all.


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