December 12, 2010


The one thing I really miss, being single and living alone, is having that one person to talk to about anything.  It's not the same telling bits and pieces to various friends--I'm largely invisible.  When someone else is witness to your daily existence it lends meaning.  The interesting things I see, or funny thoughts I have, are left to rattle around in my brain, unshared.  Not that life is awful, just lonely.  And I've had more than enough loneliness for one lifetime.

Btw, there's such a huge cultural bias against admitting to loneliness.  We're supposed to be happy with our own company, self sufficient, able to cope.  What is that about, I wonder?  Part of the do-it-all-yourself, by the bootstraps American image?  Examining cultural precepts is fascinating.  But then I'm weird that way ;)


  1. I love examining cultural conceptions about how we are supposed to be/act/live.

    I'm very fickle when it comes to wanting to be alone or to be with someone. I like my alone time, but only in little bits separated by socializing.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting companionship. Society has just created a mantra for those struggling with loneliness, which is an attempt to convince them that it's ok to be alone. However, that is really up for the individual to decide in terms of what it right for them.

  2. @Summer
    Thanks for the comment! It's a little creepy how much we have in common ;)

  3. I lived alone for about a year and I hated it. The apartment was too quiet, and I almost put my relationship with my boyfriend (now-husband) in jeopardy by demanding too much of his time.

    Ben was on a work trip for four days last week, and it was awful.

    I envy people who are able to live alone and make it work for them. I think I'd need a more active social life in order to live alone and be happy.

  4. @Amy K.
    I'd much rather have a roommate but don't have a choice. I can't afford market rate rent and subsidized housing doesn't do sharing unless you're family.

  5. I lived alone for about a year and I hated it. The apartment was too quiet, and I almost put my relationship with my boyfriend (now-husband) in jeopardy by demanding too much of his time.

    Ben was on a work trip for four days last week, and it was awful.

    I envy people who are able to live alone and make it work for them. I think I'd need a more active social life in order to live alone and be happy.


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