August 27, 2011

Quilt: Dammit Beavis

I tried quilting the oval-y borders but it didn't work.  I'd forgotten how hard it is to sew curves with a machine.  The stitches and tension were unveven, the curves awful; it looked too much like the version I'd drawn on my camera.

Then I pulled out a piece of muslin and some scrap batting and tried free motion quilting.  This worked a little less well than usual because I hadn't changed to the fancy darning foot.  I'm giving up on oval borders and will be making triangles for the outer border, maybe a straight line bisecting the narrow white inner border.  Or try out some decorative machine stitches.

My time is filled up with medical appointments lately, very unfun.  The pain clinic doc doesn't know what's going on with me or what to do about it.  So I'm doing the rounds (again) and maybe somebody will think of something.  I've tried researching in medical journals but don't have access, and am too ill to go to the nearby med school library.  Many days I feel like Sisyphus.


  1. I, too, suck balls at stitching smooth curves.

    I do have access, at least for now, to an academic library, so email me if there's an article you want and I will see if I can get it. :)


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