August 14, 2013

Ch Ch Ch Changes

In the past month I made some big med changes.  Long story short, I feel like myself again!  I can read and remember books!!!  I've finished The Scarlet Letter, now onto Brave New World, and have a whole stack of books waiting.  The library is my friend again :)  My vocabulary has mostly returned as well, which is awesome.

I have so much more energy, though so far that's tempered by side effects as my body recalibrates itself.  I've started taking a self-paced college Algebra class online, and am hoping to brush up on my very rusty German.  EdX has some amazing courses, too, which I hope to take advantage of at some point.

The social prospects are the most exciting.  And I may even begin sewing again.  I definitely want to design, knit and publish at least one of the lace knitting patterns in my design notebook!


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